Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Strategic & Targeted Prayer or Keys to Kingdom Praying

These are my teaching notes for prayer. I want to encourage you to study to show yourself approved. Know your enemy. There are keys the Lord has given us to get results in prayer. Intercession is serious spiritual business. Are you ready? The adversary would like nothing more than to keep you down and out and ignorant of his devises. God would have you to walk in the high places he has promised you. It's war, a spiritual war. Who is winning? If you have been defeated, it's time for you to wake up, put on your armor and fight. You vs. the kingdom of darkness. You gonna let them have your family, your blessings, your God given inheritance? Fight or die. Your choice. You have everything you need to win. God even said satan is a defeated foe, a loser. So what are you waiting for. Ask, seek, knock= A.S.K. it's yours the door has been opened. He has given you the KEYS. GO!

James 5:16 NLT The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.

Do you feel like your prayers ARE NOT being answered? Do you feel like the gates of hell are prevailing against you? Do you run out of steam? Would you like to see more results and fruit from praying? Would having more fruit encourage you to pray more? Well the good news is that YOU CAN!

The problem with most prayer is the 3 P’s: 1 pointless, 2 passionless, 3 powerless. Poorly formed, thoughtlessly presented prayers have no effect.

Don’t worry Matt 16:18 says the gates of hell shall not prevail against you.

Matt16:19 I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.

Bind-bind (7), binding (1), binds (2), bound (23), imprisoned (4), prisoners (1), put...in chains (1), tied (4). Loose- to loose, to release, to dissolve.

LUKE 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. So DO IT!

Strategic- of relating to a strategy. Important or essential in relation to a plan of action. Essential to the effective conduct of war. Highly important to an intended objective. Intended to destroy the military potential of an enemy.

Strategic Prayer- is essential prayer that is necessary to conduct war, accomplish an objective and destroy the enemy and his devices.

Tactical- 1 : relating to combat tactics occurring at the battlefront, a tactical first strike: using or being weapons or forces employed at the battlefront ,tactical missiles b of an air force : of, relating to, or designed for air attack in close support of friendly ground forces
2 a : of or relating to tactics: as (1) : of or relating to small-scale actions serving a larger purpose (2) : made or carried out with only a limited or immediate end in view b: in planning or maneuvering to accomplish a purpose

Target- something or someone fired at or marked for attack: a goal to be achieved : an object of ridicule or criticism: something or someone to be affected by an action or development

Strategic prayer focuses and targets the enemy/strongman/principalities & powers 2nd heaven.

Tactical prayer focuses on the people/places/subject acted against by the enemy/strongman.

How do we pray strategically?

1. Go after the strongman first. Why? Mark 3:27- "But no one can enter the strong man's house and plunder his property unless he first binds the strong man, and then he will plunder his house.

2. Identify the strong man

3. Bind him and cut off his cords. Cords are communication lines to lesser demons. Why? You can’t spoil his house unless bound, and lesser demons draw strength, receive orders and assignments from ruling demons.

4. Spoil his house, take the high places i.e command center.

5. If you fail to take out the strong man over people, places, their ability to influence people/gov’mts will not diminish.

6. If we fail to pray for people their tendency to yield to sin and strongmen will increase.

**Note: strongmen over a person can be bound by workers without too much problem, however a strongman-ruling prince over a wide area represents a higher ranking adversary and requires corporate prayer and intercession to dethrone. It takes a united effort of God’s people to bind up strongmen over areas and regions. Call for Intercessors.

Occupying the High Places/Command Central

Every army fights to possess the high places. Why?

1. From the high places you have a commanding 360 view

2. you can see what needs to be done form strategies/tactics

3. control, do reconnaissance and dispatch

4. launch attacks/assault the enemy/execute plans

5. enemy cannot sneak up on you.

Scripture ref. for high places: Eph 6:12,Lev 26:30, 2kings 18:4,2Chron28:4,34:3,14:3,Deut 33:29,Isa 41:18,Prov 9:3,Hab3:19,1kings15:14,Ezk6:6,36:1-3. Break down evil, build up Holy.

Tactical Praying

1. Define goals- if you don’t know your goals, you won’t know how or what to pray.

2. Reconnaissance/mapping- research, spy out the land, spiritual & natural

3. Identify prayer targets-

who,what, why, where, when

4. Prioritize prayer targets-

order of importance

5. Keep Holy Spirit ears and

eyes on and open

6. Stay flexible- timing is


7. Pray in the HOLY SPIRIT


*** When people reject the gospel of peace, it is because they are blinded by the god of this world 2 Cor 4:4. When you bind up the strongman, spoil his house, cut off lesser demons, they are then able to come to a decision without demonic interference…

Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't quit

What a day we live in. So many falling by the way side with lose of jobs, homes, all sorts of securities and most importantly lose of relationships. Relationship with Jesus. Gone in a moment. Makes me sit back and ponder what in life really is most important. Yes we are to count the cost. Cost of what? Cost of life? Love? Happiness? I count my relationship with the Lord Jesus. Is it all worth it? For the bible says if you want to be a follower of Christ you are to lay down your life. Count it all but dung Paul said.

My heart has been heavy for days now and I have not been able to put my finger on any partictular thing as to why or what is bugging me so maybe as I write the Lord will bring revelation to me. I have an idea it is intercession. My spirit is knit with the Spirit of God and I have been praying the last few days for laborors to arise into the harvest field. Funny, as I pray that my mind goes back to the stuggles many people are dealing with. Saints, Christians are dealing with and how many I am seeing fall into sin. Getting entangled with the things of this world because of the pressures of life. Maybe that is why I feel a heaviness I call pressing in my heart. (Read parable of the sower Matt 13)

As I think about these things, it makes me look at my own life, trials and tribulations and how I got from point A to B. If I could give you any advise, it would be to learn to separate yourself and detach from the things of the world that Paul calls dung! Count it all lose. When it's all said and done and you are looking back on things, when you choose to lose your life, to have the life of Christ what have your really lost? Nothing. But you have gained ALL. Especially peace.

Romans 8:18 Yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. 19For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are.

Hang on people. God's promises far out weigh the minute gradification you can get through willful sin and the lustful things you deisre. Kill the fleash and let the love and reflection of Christ shine through you today. If it were not possible to do so Jesus would not have said go and sin no more. We can do it! Sin will not have dominion over you who are in Christ. His Holy Spirit is in us and is always there leading us to a way of escape. Listen today to what the Spirit is saying in your heart. Get your flesh under the control of the Holy Spirit by spending time in the word, praying and through praise and worship.

God is no respector of person. He loves you just as much as the biggest, most famous preacher you know. He cares about what you are suffering but he also says not to worry about these things. He will provide for those who follower after him with all their heart and soul. Be encouraged today. If you have felt like giving up, just surrender that to God knowing, he has heard you and will provide at just the right time.

Look in Luke ch 11:5 5Then, teaching them more about prayer, he used this story: “Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You say to him, 6‘A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit, and I have nothing for him to eat.’ 7And suppose he calls out from his bedroom, ‘Don’t bother me. The door is locked for the night, and my family and I are all in bed. I can’t help you.’

Now catch this verse. 8But I tell you this—though he won’t do it for friendship’s sake, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you whatever you need because of your shameless persistence.

See that? Your persistence will pay off so don't give up! Look at some more.

9“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 10For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened.

This is awesome. God is hearing you! Don't give up. What is it you are asking for? Peace, provision, deliverance, salvation for loved ones? The time you give up may be just about the time he was gonna answer the door and give you what you where seeking.

Lord, Bless all those who read this today and make their path straight before you. Let them be counted worthy and let their hearts and faces be set as flint. Keep them in the hour of temptation and let them see the way of escape and take it. Give them power to stand and not give up. Lord, let every person that reads this become more like you and closer to you everyday. Thank you Jesus that you have already paid the price for us and you are willing and able to meet our every need. Amen.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Prepare for battle

Prepare for battle
2 TIM 2:4,22
No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.
Flee also youthful lust; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord of a pure hear

Are you ready? Before you can do spiritual warfare, you must first deal with your life. You have no authority unless you first have your personal relationship with God. You also must have a deep understanding of GRACE (Rom 5:12 Rom 6:13) and who you are in Christ. If you do not know you are already perfected in Christ (Heb 10:14)and seated in the heavenlies with Christ (Eph 2:6) you will struggle with guilt, shame and condemnation. So understanding these concepts in very important.

We start by telling you to repent, of sin, over generational curses, bondages, unforgiveness, woundedness bitterness etc because these bind you, so that you cannot contend with the kingdom of the devil when these things still have a claim in your life. We have to break every chain through repentance and the blood of Jesus. There we are setting ourselves free so that the anointing for warfare may come and rest in our life.

Before Jesus could enter into ministry and spiritual warfare, He went to the wilderness. He did not take Himself. The Spirit of God led Him to the wilderness for 40 days and nights. Doing what? Creating that personal relationship with the Father before ministry and contending with the kingdom of darkness in the spiritual realm. On coming out of the wilderness, the first word that came from His mouth was “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me. Because He has anointed Me to preach the good news, set captives free, to open prison doors, to declare the year of God’s favor.” Why? He had legal ground to work from. He had prepared his heart. He had come as a son of man therefore He was showing us what to do first, before we can go on in ministry and spiritual warfare. Our personal devotion before God is very essential before God. Seek God. There are things in your life you will only begin to notice through fasting and prayer and humbling yourself before God to search you. Areas like generational bondages, personal character traits that may be so much a part of you that you don’t notice how they bind you. There may be habits, which you have conformed to because of the world system around you and you don’t realize it does not please God because it is so much a part of your life, etc. If you don’t deal with your life, when trying to engage in warfare, you will get the backlashes from the enemy. He will ask you “Where did you get legal ground to attack me when you have this and that covenant, or generational curse from me?” Then he strikes you. So the first step is to REPENT for yourself. Break all agreements you made with the enemy.

Who are you? You need to know who you are in Christ so that you can know what to do, when to do it, where to go, and how to do it. Who I am in Christ
The more you agree with God about your identity in Christ, the more your behaviour will reflect your God given identity.
Learn to see yourself as God sees you. Accept what God says about you and become the spiritual person you are. God's opinion is the one that counts. feelings are just the fruit of our thoughts and beliefs.
The best way to renew your mind and experience transformation is by knowing, thinking and speaking who you are in Christ
Train yourself to say the same things that God says in His word. Become who you are in Christ. God wants to do more in your life than you imagine.
Do you believe who you are in Christ? Do you look like Jesus? Are you doing greater works? If not there is one sure answer. The word of God.

Smith Wigglesworth said in hisbook Greater Works "the more of the word you have in you, the easlier it is to live a Holy life. Ps 119:11 Thy word have I laid up in my heart, That I might not sin against thee.

Time to get ready for battle.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Keys for the Battle, STAND!

Why do we keep going around the same old mountain again and again? I and other deliverance ministers I know are experiencing a season of people that are continuing to do another lap. We walk away from deliverance sessions experiencing the great power of God in meeting the persons need, breaking off the bondages and setting people free only to be met later with the same battle again. What is going on? Didn’t my deliverance work? It’s back again! HELP!

I am also finding that people are so desperate they are going from place to place searching for the right deliverance minister or word from God like maybe I missed it or the last deliverance minister missed it because it works for a minute then people are right back in the same position again. Stop the madness. Time to grow up! Galatians 5:1 says Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty with which Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is responsibility. God is an awesome, powerful God who can not lie. He wants us to walk in the freedom that Christ died for and he withholds no good thing from his children who ask, believing in faith, that they have received. We have to make sure that the hedge is not breached. That the doors and cracks of doubt and unbelief remained sealed and closed or demons will come back to try and regain entrance.

Demons when they are cast out of a person will try to regain entry and if unsuccessful will go and get seven others more wicked than themselves to try and get back in. Many Christians think once they have had deliverance that the battle is over. Sorry, it is only just the beginning! The battle won will not be easy. When Christians find it is just starting, they get very discouraged, and even worse, are afflicted with guilt. Because of the battle they are experiencing, they feel they are doing something wrong or that the demons once outside will try to afflict them with the same physical symptoms or emotions as they did while they were inside them. Every time they will always lie and tell the person they are back in them when they are really not and are on the outside attacking. If the person accepts these thoughts from the demons then they open themselves up again and they WILL be back hence going around the mountain again!

When you are attack in dreams or awake and begin to ponder and question the lies, you accepted them back by believing the lie. You must stand and continue to rebuke them the instant you hear the negative voices. You must not believe the lie or the door will be open and the demons will come back. You must not agree with the lie that your deliverance didn't work, because of how you feel, because you feel pain or the heaviness again. That is when you must stand and put on the whole armor of God. Stand fast in the liberty in which Christ has made you free. Don't turn around and agree with the demons by saying I guess it didn't work and become entangled in the yoke of bondage again. It isn't that you didn’t get deliverance; it is that you don't keep the deliverance.

Stop focusing at all cost on the darkness. You don't eliminate the darkness by opening a window and door and pushing it out of the room. You eliminate the darkness by turning on the light! These are basic issues of standing in faith. Get into worship and God's presence stay there. Your life and deliverance depends on it. God does not want you to be in this bondage and torment. There where times in my life when I spent hours upon hours in worship and praising God. I mean hours! 3,5,8,10 all night sometimes! It broke off me every hindrance.

That is where your deliverance is. The bible says there is deliverance in praise, if you need to, shut down your whole life and get alone with God and worship him until you get delivered, do it. I can not do that part for you nor can anyone else! We can use our authority (the same authority you have) to set you free but it is up to you after that! I remember when I was so desperate for God to intervene in my life that I would shut down everything going on around me and I would not come out until I had my breakthrough or peace. What would you do if you didn't have access to any deliverance ministers?

Many receive deliverance many times then shortly after, begin for whatever reason to entertain that it didn't work because...The bible says if you believe a lie you are cursed! Focus on the light of the word as you have in the past and shut out all other voices! Excuse my language but get pissed at the devil. Turn into a raging fool for Jesus and pick up your sword and fight! I can only tell you what has worked for me. That is mainly praise & worship, focusing on how big my God is instead of how big the torment is, decreeing the word, rebuking the devils, binding and loosing, kicking them out. Doing everything in the bible that Jesus said I could do. Over and over and over and over again until the demons stopped harassing me and my family. It was me or him and my God told me that greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world! You must take the victory by force. DO IT! TAKE IT, IT IS YOURS, GOD IS NOT WITH HOLDING FROM YOU!

If you want your life to change, then change it through allowing Christ to manifest in you and through you. He came to destroy the works of the devil if he is in you then CHANGE IT! WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? JESUS put you in charge, gave you authority and power through the HOLY GHOST! Yes there are times when he will use deliverance minister to break away the chains, then my friend, it’s up to you to stand being a doer of the word, casting down vain imaginations of it didn’t work.

Get out your promise book and march around the house decreeing and declaring God’s word over you and your family! That is the first key! Praise and worship, focusing on God’s greatness is another. Time to war.
Peace out.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spirtual Authority

I found this wonderful article to repost here. It had no author to it and I take no credit for writing this, but acknowledge what is written herein:

I believe the most powerful offense we have against the devil's agenda is for Christians to manifest God's love, power and spiritual authority everywhere we go. We know that the best defense is an offense, but is Christianity today, known for it's love, power and authority? We need a strategy to overcome the fear factor in our own minds.

The devil's strongest weapon is to plant a fear factor in our imaginations. His strategy is to get us to believe a lie, a fear factor that he projects onto the screen of our minds. He only has power over us if we give it to him, entertaining this fear factor. If Jesus has all power and spiritual authority in Heaven and earth and He is inside of us, why do we hesitate to rise up and let Him demonstrate His love, power and spiritual authority through us, defeating the works of the devil?

Are you operating in your inherited power and authority as a believer? The devil offered Jesus more authority, but Jesus knew it was a lie. He responded, "It is written ... ." As we renounce our ungodly beliefs about authority, we can defeat the enemy, "It is written ... .".

If you had a performance evaluation today, how well would you do? Are you submitted to Biblical principles and spiritual authority? How many of these statements will you choose to believe for yourself? If you commit to pray these declarations, as a prayer strategy to over come your fear factor and to rise up in your God given power and spiritual authority, let us know.

Lining up with God's truth about me as a believer, I declare and decree:

I discern and judge myself first, so that I have no fear of condemnation. 1 Cor. 11:31-32
I receive the spiritual authority that Jesus has given to all of us as believers. Luke 4:6
I choose to be a good steward of the spiritual authority I have been given. James 3:1
I allow God's love to be perfected in me, casting out all my fear factors. 1 John 4:18
I renounce all fear of the devil, fear of evil and fear of his power to hurt me. Luke 10:19
One thing I desire - to dwell in the secret place of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
I allow God to purify my heart of selfish, fleshly, power-hungry cravings. Matt. 5:8
My motivation is to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire of Him. Ps. 27:4
I rest in God's willingness to deliver me because He delights in me. Psalm 18:19
I take back dominion over the earth, the animal kingdom and the weather. Gen. 1:26
In Christ, I have spiritual authority to forgive and to command healing. Luke 5:20-24
I practice what I teach, submitting to the stricter judgment of God. James 3:1
My motivation is to know Jesus and to grow in His character and fruit. Phil. 3:10-15
My soul thirsts to be in right relationship with Jesus (and authorities.) Ps. 63:1
I have spiritual gifts so that I can lift Jesus up and express His heart. 2 Tim. 1:6
I am faithful to stir up the spiritual gifts that God has been given to me. 1 Tim. 4:14
I renounce false humility; I proudly serve a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Heb. 12:28
True peacemakers confront evil vs. avoid it or settle for compromise. Matt. 5:9
The Word says the violent take the Kingdom by force and take action. Matt. 11:12
I contend earnestly for the faith - faithful to do all the Father says to do. Jude 3
I don't whine; I endure hardship as a good soldier in the Lord's army. 2 Tim. 2:3-4
I don't back down from false teaching; I overcome with the God's Truth. Rom. 12:21
I operate in my gifts in the fullness of the measure that was given to me. Eph. 4:7
I am faithful to the gift of grace for the effective working of His mighty power. Eph. 3:7
I preach the gospel in authority, without boasting, not touching His glory. 1 Cor. 9:16
"Fat sheep" are self-centered; I expend myself to feed His sheep. Eze. 34:18-22
When God speaks through me, I multiply the abilities that He gives to me. 1 Pet. 4:11
I honor all Christians equally, encouraging them in their spiritual gifts. 1 Cor. 12:23-24
By laying hands on other disciples in prayer, I help to spread the gospel. Acts 6:6-7
I renounce timidity or intimidation; I have love, power and a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7
I have power to be a witness because the Holy Ghost is inside me. Acts 1:8
The Lord is the strength of my life and I am not afraid. Psalm 27:1
God will resist the proud and give grace to me, when I am humble. James 4:6
I say what the Father says to say with great boldness of speech. 2 Cor. 3:11-12
The Lord is inside me, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Heb. 13-5-6
I don't try to control people or compete for position, prestige or power. Luke 22:24
Jesus has given me power over demonic spirits; they are subject to me. Luke 10:19-20
When I give God my shame, He will give me a double portion. Isaiah 61:1-7
I am holy, blameless and righteous, in Christ. Eph. 1:4, Romans 5:21
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and because we do not love our lives unto to the death. Rev.12:20

Father I confess that I have been intimidated by the enemy and have hesitated to step out in obedience to enforce your authority in the earth. I choose to join with believers around the world in this prayer strategy. I covenant with you to declare these Scriptural truths.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Yesterday I was pondering during my day again about the people the Lord has brought across my path. Considering who I am in Christ and that the Lord is using me as a deliverance minister, I was wondering what is it that holds people in bondage. How come very few people get it enough to break free from the issues of life and truly allow the things of God to have free course in their lives.

Thinking I woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a bad attitude yesterday and this morning for the second day in a row, the Lord started showing me again that he was sending me to the house of Israel (the church). To speak his word, no matter what it is, and that the house of Israel is a rebellious house. Very Stubborn and stiff necked.Eze ch3. So I will speak.

What is it that keeps people in bondage to sin, unfruitfulness of 30,60 or 100 fold, lust, idolatry, laziness, addictions, drugs, porn, fear, worry, hopelessness, angry, bitterness, unbelief, and the list goes on...Generational curses. Demons that inflect curses. They bring judgement and bondage during an individuals life reducing the quality of life because people refuse to deal with sin issues. The body needs to deal with sin and repent. Stop. It can not have dominion over you.

Well I got my answer in prayer this morning. God showed me also in his word starting in the book of Ezekiel, that his book is not a book of the prophet from old but that it pertains to today and also future running a long side with the book of Revelation. It is time for the luke warm church to wake up and here the trumpet sounding in the land. The true prophets are not crying peace and safety but prepare, seek God, come out from among them and be ye Holy REPENT.

People in Israel ( the church) are still in bondage because of rebellion which is as the sin of witchcraft. Not only that, but because they refuse to repent and turn away from sin, they are under a curse in their life. They are stubborn and stiff necked wanting a happy, feel good word of prophecy but without dealing with sin. We are not walking upright and Holy lives using the word of God as our measuring stick and it stinks before God.

Where is all this happy go lucky stuff coming from? I was crying out to God because my spirit is grieved. It is a deception. A side track. To through you off. A tacktic of the enemy to not deal with the real issue of sin that keeps you in bondage and in the outer court. God wants you in the inner court. He rent the vail and you are standing out not coming in. WHY? WHY? WHY?

I see some things coming down the pike and the body of Christ for the most part is going to be blind sided. They are not prepared. All you hear in mainstream Christianity is a happy feel good words that hardly ever address sin, doctrines of demons, false revivals and false teachers and preachers. What is going on? We are to expose the deeds of darkness not sweep it under the rug, afraid of embarrassing people. I will not have anyone's blood on my hands. I will shout it from the roof tops and testify anywhere the Lord leads, even on my facebook page!

The bible says that history repeats itself. Esc 3:15 That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away. So when I read my bible I see things happening again to us, to our country and concerning the future just on a greater scale to a bigger corporate church. There is nothing new under the sun.

I hate to inform you of this but you are not gonna fly away in some dream escape to meet Jesus in the air any minute. Christ has not manifested in you. He is coming back for a bride without spot and wrinkle Eph 5:27. Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory Col 1:27. How do I know, because I read it in the word, I see in in everyday lives. Are we doing the works of Jesus on a greater scale? He said we would do greater works. HA! I just want to scream. WAKE UP and GROW UP!

Really, I don't know where the church false prophets ever got off track with looking at how the office of prophet was worked in the bible. All the major prophets always came to pluck up, pull down, and rebuild, exposing sin before God brought his judgement. Now if God is the same yesterday today and forever, when did this change? If Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, where did it change? Someone tell me. Oh, and don't use the grace card either because every man is without excuse and you cannot use grace as an excuse to keep on sinning. READ IT!

So back to the answer REBELLION! Every person needs to examine his/her life before God and measure it against the bible and REPENT. The curse/bondage will not be broken and the affliction lifted until true repentance and turning comes. The body of Christ for the most part is sick, lacking, lazy, not wanting to pay the price for the anointing of God which destroys the yoke!

If you are listening to the propaganda lies on news channels and the government telling you we are going to recover and that everything is going to be okay YOU are in trouble! My bible says that gross darkness is covering the earth and that all signs are leading up to a one world government with an anti-christ leader! The earth is shaking and you think it's global warming! God is closing the window, time is wrapping up and you better straighten up or you are going to not know what to do when hard times hit your life worse than they are now!

He has called us to be a light in darkness Isa 60:2. A city on a hill. Walking in power and love. Where is the power and love??? If your revival is so good, show me the power that is going to raise the dead, change a life forever, multiply the fishes and loaves. I really don't care about your gold filling. I won't believe every lying sign and wonder the floats down the isle. It's a lie straight from the pit of hell! REPENT and get back to the basics because you are going to have to have faith that will move a mountain, put food on the table, bust water out of the rock, move when God says move without doubt or you may just DIE! It it don't look like the book of acts you are in danger of being deceived!

I am so grieved for the body, please pray she wakes up and hears the heart of GOD!
Many are in the valley of decision even today!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

More than one way to take out the trash

This morning as I was sitting with the Lord pondering on life’s issues I asked some Questions to My Lord. I said Lord, what is it going to take for your people to wake up and come out from among them? Come out of Egypt. Come out of bondage from the worry of life’s issues.

Every day I am called upon by my brothers and sisters in the Lord with overwhelming circumstances that they need delivered from. Always it is demonic and blown out of proportion because they don’t look at the circumstance from the view point of God but the devil, who is a master of magnification because he wants to be like God.

Oh, if we could just behold the one and only true Master, if we could step away and see Him who holds all things together by the power of his word. In all his majesty, and holiness. The one who truly sits on the throne. The King of kings and Lord of lords. The Lord of Host who goes before us in battle.

As I was pondering my question I heard the Spirit speak and he said When my people quit worshipping their problems and begin to worship the one over the problems they will walk out of Egypt, for there is no pharaoh that is keeping them there, I have already sent them a deliverer.

He said they are bound by unlocked chains, not realizing the chains have already been loosed from off their feet. Their eyes are stuck on another god, a false god, a little god named My Magnified Problems and they, buy their own choosing are beholding the god of their choice.

And I replied but Father, they are crying out for help, they are crying out for freedom, they are crying out for deliverance, why can’t they see they have been loosed? And he replied because they are looking upon themselves, another god called Little me, myself and i. They are not looking to the hills from where their help comes from, they are looking at the little I instead of the Great I am.

As the Lord spoke that word to me, I was taken back to one of my own situations years ago and I remembered that as bad as things where (and they were very bad), my only relief was when I would enter into the presence of the Lord through worship.

I remembered how when I first got saved I felt the supernatural presence of God and I wanted that more than anything. Looking back I see how that was the supernatural drawing of the Holy Spirit Through my problems and life issues I was being drawn to my knees to see HIM and not my issues. Jesus became my hide away. My shelter from the storm.

The only time I had peace was when I would go to my room, put on my worship music and begin to worship God and come into the shelter of the most High where He would hide me from my enemies. He would pour over me with his loving kindness and allow me to see him who sits on the throne.

Then I became addicted to my Father and all that he allowed me to experience. He began to teach me of his greatness and how he wanted me to manifest to His enemies that I am more than a conqueror. He began to empower me to stand in the face of the adversary and proclaim my righteousness through Christ Jesus and see the enemies be scattered.

I want to encourage you today to do the same thing. Your power and strength comes through seeing Jesus high and lifted up in worship. Use the weapon of worship God has given you. If you need delivered from anything, any problem, any demon, anything, God is able, as you worship him by taking your eyes off all the issues of life, all those little gods.

It reminds me of scripture in Romans 8:35 who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The garbage that would attract flies. The Beelzebubs will keep coming if you don’t take out the trash. Worship is the best way to take out the trash!

Blessing in Christ

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Easter vs Passover, Unholy vs Holy

I am not into re-inventing the wheel and I found an excellent article on Easter so I decided to post it here with proper credit given. We as Christians need to stop touching unclean things, get into reading and studying our bibles and learn God's ways. Again, I say as stated before in previous post, COME OUT FROM AMOUNG THEM~Tammy~

The celebration of Easter Sunday is hailed as the most important religious holiday of what claims to be Christianity, yet the holiday does not have its origin from the teachings of Christ and his apostles, or anywhere else in the Holy Bible. The word "Easter," the English word for "Ishtar," is found only once in the King James Version of the Bible, (Acts 12:4) and there, it was intentionally mistranslated from the Greek word pascha, which in reality should have been Passover. It was correctly translated Passover in 28 other locations in the KJV New Testament. Easter was not celebrated as a so called Christian holiday until after the "Catholic Nicene Council" was convened in 325 AD.
Prior to that time, and until today, the holiday by that name was and is a Pagan holiday. This holiday was celebrated for thousands of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter was a religious celebration to the Pagan "Queen of Heaven," the Mother of life, the Goddess Ishtar, the Goddess of fertility.

Jesus Christ was crucified at the exact time the Passover lambs were being slaughtered for the "Passover" meal, on the day preceding the first day of the "Feast of Unleavened Bread," the fourth day of the week, before sundown. After sundown they ate the "Passover" meal. The next day was the first day of the "Feast of Unleavened Bread," a "high day," a special Holy Day Sabbath, the fifth day of the week. He resurrected on the third day of the "Feast of Unleavened Bread," on the seventh day Sabbath before sundown.

Thus, he was in the grave (the heart of the earth) three days and three nights, as he had predicted to his disciples. (See Matthew 12;40)

Christ and his followers kept the "Passover" and the "Feast of Unleavened Bread." They did not in any way keep the Pagan holiday of Easter. Christ's followers were forbidden to keep any Pagan customs or Pagan traditions. These customs and traditions were decreed to be abominations by God himself throughout the old testament.

The Pagan customs of Easter eggs and the Easter rabbit are associated with this holiday due to their life giving reproductive characteristics. The inference that the Easter rabbit laid the Easter eggs is an abominable lie and has no place in true Christian worship.

Easter sunrise service is an ancient pagan custom of worship to the Sun God "Tammuz" which at the time of the vernal equinox, was returning into the northern hemisphere from its journey to the south. The vernal equinox is the time of the year when the sun crosses the equator in its trek northward. To the pagan religious worshippers, it is a time to celebrate the return of life and reproduction to animal and plant life as well. This is why Ishtar, or Easter, was chosen to be celebrated at this time of the year.

Ezekiel wrote, "And he brought me into the inner court of the Lord's house, and, behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord, and their faces toward the East; and they worshiped the sun toward the East.

"Then he said unto me, Hast thou seen this, O son of man? Is it a light thing to the house of Judah that they commit the abominations which they commit here? For they have filled the land with violence and have returned to provoke me to anger: and, lo, they put the branch to their nose. Therefore will I also deal in fury: mine eye shall not spare, neither will I have pity: and though they cry in mine ears with a loud voice, yet will I not hear them." Ezekiel 8:16-18

To compound this abominable "anti-Christian" falsehood of Easter, we are told to believe that Christ was crucified on Friday (Good Friday) and rose on Easter Sunday morning,. Thus making Jesus Christ a liar when he said he would be in the grave three days and three nights. Even a child can count and see there are not three days and three nights between Friday and Sunday morning.

The abominable lie is further compounded by saying that Christ resurrected on the morning of the first day of the week. The Bible in no way supports this claim. If we are to believe the scriptures, Christ was put in the grave on Wednesday evening before sunset. If Christ was not a liar as some of the teachings of Christianity depict, then He rose from the grave on Saturday evening before sunset. If the grave was found open and empty early Sunday morning, a reasonable person can only conclude he resurrected the evening before Sunday morning, before the end of the Seventh day Sabbath, or Saturday afternoon before sundown.

"True Christians," or "Followers Of Christ," which would like to follow the scriptures accurately, would do well to observe the God-ordained "Passover" and the "Feast of Unleavened Bread."

This is the holiday celebration which would correctly commemorate the "death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ." "Passover" this year begins March 29th at sunset, and ends evening, April 5th. "Passover" is the the first day of the seven day "Feast of Unleavened Bread."

To keep the "Passover" is the first commandment God gave to the children of Israel. He commanded that it be observed forever as a memorial, "that thou mayest remember the day when thou camest forth out of the land of Egypt all the days of thy life." Deuteronomy 16:3

"And the Lord spake unto Moses, and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying, This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, in the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of their fathers, a lamb for an houseÅ  And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same monthÅ  And they shall eat the flesh in that nightÅ  And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat it in haste: it is the Lord's Passover." Exodus 12:1-11

Apostle Paul admonished the Church of Corinth with these words, "Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us: Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness: but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth." I Corinthians 5:7-8

Thus, by his crucifixion at the time of the "Passover," Christ, the "Passover Lamb" became the final sacrifice for sins of those who would deny themselves and follow him. "For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified." Hebrews 10:14

At the last supper, Jesus instituted a new way for his disciples to commemorate the "Passover." "And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed it, and brake it, and gave it to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, Drink ye all of it; For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Matthew 26:26-28

According to the scriptures, this method of keeping the "Passover" in memory of his death once a year, was ordained by Jesus Christ himself. God almighty condemned the keeping of the customs of the pagan holiday "Easter."

The leaders of "False Christianity" have deceived their followers into worshipping at "Easter" instead of "Passover" and the "Feast of Unleavened Bread," to commemorate the "death, burial, and the resurrection of Jesus Christ."

For more detailed information on how to keep the "Passover," order your free copy of "The Passion and the Passover," a guide to correct communion. Order from: Five Star Publishing Co., Box 232, 1539 E. China Lake Blvd., Ridgecrest, CA. 93555.

Arnold Gordon may be contacted by email at: BibleQ&A@iwvisp.com

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Should Christians Wear Tattoos

Should Christians Wear Tattoos?
By Lynette Schaefer

It is clear that we are living in the end times, right before the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to rapture home His blood-bought bride, the Church. It is also clear that these are perilous times (2 Tim 3:1). The current trend that more and more Christians seem to be picking up is tattooing. There are even "Christian" tattoo shops opening up, and deceived Christians are flocking to them more and more. They justify this activity by saying they are "tattooing for Jesus" and it's fun to sport their new, colorful images or statements. Therefore, tattooing is no more an activity that the Bible expressly forbids, but it's become the latest, cool, fun thing to do; and tattooing is popularly regarded as simply "body art". Well, let's explore what tattooing really is and what God has to say about it.

1. The Mark of Blood. The tattooing procedure involves cutting the flesh with a sharp needle or instrument in order to carve out or make designs. The result is something called "blood-letting". Blood-letting has both occultic and demonic origins as it is considered a power source that is supernaturally unleashed. Many pro-tattoo sources describe tattooing as having a magical, occultic connection with blood and blood-letting as being normal. Several pro-tattoo historians indicate the connection with scarification and blood-letting associated with religious practices. Another source indicates "the importance of licking the blood that was released during tattoo operations" (Steve Gilbert, "Tattoo History: A Source Book", pg. 181). We read in 1 Kings 18:25-28 the account of the prophets of Baal who met with Elijah to find out who was the true God. These were satanists who were attempting to unleash supernatural power by cutting themselves (vs. 28). In the New Testament, there was a man named Legion who was possessed by demons, as seen in Mark 5:1-9, who went about cutting himself with stones (vs. 5). Leviticus 19:28 says "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." (emphasis mine)

2. The Cup of Devils. Historically, the origin of the tattoo is associated with paganism, demonism, Baal worship, shamanism, mysticism, heathenism, cannibalism and many other pagan beliefs. The tattoo has NEVER been connected with Bible believing Christians. But today, in the 21st century, trends are reverting to paganistic practices to include the modern Christian and the new "Christian" tattoo shop. Satan is the god of this world and his agenda is to deceive many Christians, especially in the last days. But the fact remains that the tattoo has its roots in beliefs and practices that are demonic and pagan. Many pro-tattoo books indicate that tattooing is a magical rite and the tattooist is respected as a priest or shaman; it is connected to a religious ceremony and performed by priests or priestesses; it is intended to put the human soul in harmony with supernatural forces; at other times dancing accompanies the tattooing ritual to exorcise demons. In other words, it is connected with the spirit world and a tattoo is really much more than simply a body decoration. Today's popular tattooing craze is "tribal tattoos", which are pure paganism. These designs bear serious symbolic mystical and occult meanings. They are strongly connected with channels into spiritual and demonic possession. Many pro-tattoo artists and historians can attest to this by saying things like, "tattoos have a power and magic all their own", "there is in addition to the opening of numerous inlets for evil to enter", "allowing his clients' demons to help guide the needle". Ronald Scutt, in his exhaustive book, Art, Sex and Symbol, covers a lot about the history and culture of tattoos. He documents that most of the time tattoos are associated with spiritual, religious and mystical purposes; linking it to mystical significance, sun-worship, serpent worship, and the sun-god Baal. Author Steve Gilbert, of Tattoo History: A Source Book, p. 99, records, "The Spaniards, who had never heard of tattooing, recognized it at once as the work of Satan." Yet today's gullible Christians are out there in droves "marking themselves for Jesus"! Pagan tattooing is not just from the dark ages: many body artists perform ritual tattoos today as the quotes from tattoo authors above bear witness. Some will burn incense or light candles. 1 Cor. 10:21 says, "Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils."

3. The Mark of Death. Lev. 19:28 says, "Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD." Yet DEATH is the number one theme of tattoos! References from tattoo books again reveal this as a fact: "Death and darkness have always been a classic tattoo theme - skulls, snakes, demons" (The Body Art Book, pg. 56); Henry Ferguson in The Art of the Tattoo, states "probably the most popular tattooed image of today, the all-pervasive grinning skull!"; "Skulls imprinted on skin abound, and depictions of the Grim Reaper are commonly seen"; "Possibly, at the same time, to wear a death's figure on one's body may be an invocation of whatever indefinable forces of nature….in an attempt to protect the wearer from such a fate". Tattoo shops mostly display morbid scenes of death, demons, serpents, and hell. Grim reapers, flaming skulls, snakes crawling through skulls, demons, Satan, pornography, blasphemy, naked flames of hell - every satanic scene of hell is glorified. Who really is the Master Tattooist? Satan, of course (Rev. 6:8; Heb. 2:14)! He is the author of Death; and the representative of Hell (Rev. 6:8; Matt. 25:41); also of the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9; Rev. 20:1-2); whereas Jesus is Life (John 1:3; John 6:48; John 11:25; John 14:6; Acts 3:15; Ro. 6:23; 1 John 1:1-2; 1 John 5:12). Many tattoo artists embody satanic symbols of death and hell while they display demonic scenes in their shops, calling it "art". They are often people who demonstrate their allegiance to Satan with vile and filthy depictions of the underworld.

4. The Mark of Rebellion. The Bible condemns all rebellion throughout its pages and declares that rebellion is as bad as witchcraft (1 Sam. 15:23). It is clear that the tattoo has always been an indication of a spirit of rebellion and deviancy on its wearers. All the tattoo books make comments about tattooing being rebellious. In addition, the tattoo is considered a mark of disgrace or reproach by the same tattoo books. Throughout history, the tattoo was used to mark the criminal, adulterers, traitors, deserters, the deviant and outcast. Thirdly, it has been the mark of the sideshow freak throughout history. Also, it is the mark of indecency. They were associated with barbarians in barbaric, immoral Greece and Rome. One tattoo book, "Art, Sex and Symbol", 1974, by Ronald Scutt, pg. 179, says "In a society that considers nudity as dirty, indecent, and subversive or morality … - it is not surprising that decorations to the body are allocated to the same category." The tattoo is also considered the mark of depravity by many tattoo books. Studies have been done that indicate a high percentage of deviant behaviors and troubled persons that were tattooed. Studies have also been done that link tattoos to homosexuality, lesbianism, and gross sexual perversion. Statements made in many of the tattoo books bear this out. Recent studies on today's tattooed young people indicate 1) they are nearly four times more likely to engage in sexual intercourse; 2) Over two times more likely to experience alcohol related problems; 3) Nearly two times more likely to use illegal drugs; 4) Over two times more likely to express violent behavior; and 5) Over two times more likely to drop out of high school. What about Jesus? Wasn't He a rebel? NO WAY! To the contrary: Jesus was 100 percent OBEDIENT unto death - even the death of the Cross (Phil. 2:8)! In the Garden of Gethsemane, He prayed, "not my will, but thine, be done" (Luke 22:42-44). If there was the slightest chance that Jesus was a rebel, then He would have sinned against God, and we would all be lost!

5. Tattoo's Deadly Little Secret. It is a well-known fact that tattooing runs a risk of acquiring any number of deadly diseases, including Hepatitis C and AIDS. The reason is because the needle that is used to tattoo punctures the skin 3,000 times a minute. In an hour, that would be 180,000 times that puncture wounds provide a potential path to a deadly disease. Not only that, but it is also well documented that tattoo shops are not regulated by the government to uphold medical standards. Also, many tattoo artists do not inform their clients of possible infection from the needle or the ink. The Mayo Clinic sounds a warning about commercial tattooing: "Few states have hygienic regulations to ensure safe tattooing practices in commercial tattoo parlors, and even fewer monitor and enforce standards". (Body Piercing and Tattoos: More than Skin Deep, Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.com). Tattoos can cause many chronic skin disorders such as sarcoid, keloid scarring, allergic dermatitis, photosensitivity reactions, psoriasis, and tumors. Finally, the Bible gives a real warning about this sort of procedure (Psm.38: 5-8).

6. Tattoos and the Bible. We know already what Lev. 19:28 says. But people use that to say, "But that's in the OLD Testament! What about the New?" Well, do you know that Lev. 19:29 says not to prostitute your daughter; yet it says nothing in the New Testament about that, making it okay to prostitute your child? I think not! These moral laws are timeless and are as applicable now as then. Lev. 19:28 indicates that we are to not print ANY marks on us. Period. Lev. 19:26-28 is a condemnation of assorted pagan, witchcraft and heathen practices, of which tattooing is clearly one of them. Every commentary written on Lev. 19:28 says that tattooing comes from pagan origins. Isaiah 44:5 & Ezekiel 9:4 indicates "he will write with his hand to the Lord." Some go as far as to say that Jesus Christ is tattooed (Rev. 19:16)! If that is literally true, then Jesus is a sinner who disobeyed (Lev. 19:28). Finally, because our bodies are the Temple of the Living God (1Cor. 6:19-20), God wants them pure for His glory. He who defiles the temple of God, him will God destroy (1Cor. 3:16-17)! God meant what He said (Num. 23:19; Gal. 6:7-8)! 2 Cor. 6:16 says, in part, "And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God."

7. Tattoo: The Mark of Regret. Those who get tattoos while in a backslidden state will forever have to live with them. Even those who flock to get laser surgery in an attempt to remove the tattoos will have to go through a lot of expensive and painful procedures, and yet the tattoo will never be totally removed and will just look ugly. Many who are foolish enough to get tattoos later regret them and hate looking at them. There are many consequences of getting "marked": spiritual, health, social. Once a person has that mark put on them, they are then in a different category: one of the gang, cool, and spiritually defiled against God who shakes their fist at His law. Not to mention that after getting the tattoo, some serious medical problems could start to germinate. Getting a tattoo can also damage relationships with friends, family, teachers or employers. According to Bonnie B. Graves, Tattooing and Body Piercing, p. 43, many jobs are not available to those who have visible body art. So, then, is getting a tattoo really worth all the consequences?

If you are wearing tattoos and are still unconvinced that any of the above applies to you, then consider this: tattooing, in addition to being disobedient, is idolatrous because it displays an image. If you are "tattooing for Jesus" and think that's acceptable, it isn't because the "Jesus" (or any symbol) you are marking yourself with is an image. God says very clearly and explicitly that we are to have no other gods before Him, and that it is He and He alone who is supreme (Ex. 20:3; Is. 45:5).

The Bible expressly tells us to keep ourselves unspotted from the world (Jas. 1:27), to abstain from the appearance of evil (1Thess. 5:22), and that friendship with the world is enmity with God (Jas. 4:4). We are instructed to come out from among them and be separate from the world (2Cor. 6:17). Christians therefore have the responsibility to obey God's commands and abstain from worldly associations, pastimes, or habits; not just out of duty but because we love God and have a living relationship with Him (John 14:15). Please beware that ALL tattooing is wrong, not just the graphic stuff described above. It all has the same origin in paganism and is expressly commanded by the Lord that we are to avoid this practice at all costs!

If you received tattoos before conversion to Christ, then you have already been forgiven for that. On the other hand, if you have received tattoos after giving your life to Christ, you need to repent of this sin and not repeat it, under any circumstances, because it is considered abominable.

Yes, I Tammy, after much research, believe that tattoos should not be gotten by christians and I also believe it can be a entry point for demons to torment and harass.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Touch not the unclean thing pt 2

Does anyone have a Native AAmerican dream catcher? I see many Christians have them and in their cars hanging from the mirrors. Having some Native American blood I use to collect anything that was originally made by Native Americans. Took me a while of constant praying through and cleaning my house because those demons kept coming back! They also bring Indian curses that need to be broken.

Anyway dream catchers are definitely demon magnets, made in the form of a spider, they are hung over baby's beds to filter bad dreams and energies that come in the night. The spider is symbolic of female creative energy, wisdom and learning according to some research .This may seem harmless however it is mystical and occultic. It is not much different than having a totem pole in your living room.You might not think that's a big deal but God does. It is an idol that represents other little gods.

I just did a teaching on my blog titled "Touch not the unclean thing" We as Christians cannot continue to go around with an anything goes attitude then think we can walk into God's throne room and He will accept our offering of praise, worship and petition. God is Holy, we are not. However when in right standing we are clothed in Christ righteousness. Touching unclean things stops the presences and power of God. So please do some research on the origins of things and if you get creepy feelings and effects get rid of it!

2 Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you.

Lev 10:10-11 And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean; And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the LORD hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.

Hoses 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

Deut 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Touch Not the Unclean thing

God has been speaking to me for awhile to sound the alarm of touch not the unclean thing. As I was continuing reading in Joshua today I heard it again loud and clear. As Joshua sent men to the town of Ai to spi out the land he came back and said send a few we got this! Well they got there butts whipped. As Joshua began to seek God for why they lost the battle God spoke and told Joshua because Israel has sinned they stole the bootie and took items that were cursed objects.

Read vs 11 “Israel has sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant which I commanded them. And they have even taken some of the things under the ban and have both stolen and deceived. Moreover, they have also put them among their own things. 12 “Therefore the sons of Israel cannot stand before their enemies; they turn their backs before their enemies, for they have become accursed. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy the things under the ban from your midst. 13 “Rise up! Consecrate the people and say, ‘Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, for thus the LORD,

Joshua did a search and found the hidden things in a tent. It was law that this sin be dealt with by stoning, not just the man that took the cursed things but the whole family, wife, children and oxen. All of them. After Joshua dealt with the sin in the camp and cleaned house so to speak, they where ready to go back to Ai and take more of the promise land.

Ch8:1-2 Now the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not fear or be dismayed. Take all the people of war with you and arise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land. 2 “You shall do to Ai and its king just as you did to Jericho and its king; you shall take only its spoil and its cattle as plunder for yourselves. Set an ambush for the city behind it.”

Notice obedience brought the victory? Look at this scripture. 2 Cor 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean [thing]; and I will receive you.

How do you know what is clean or unclean? We will get to that but check this out. Lev 10:10-11 And that ye may put difference between holy and unholy, and between unclean and clean; And that ye may teach the children of Israel all the statutes which the LORD hath spoken unto them by the hand of Moses.

We are suppose to know the difference between Holy and unholy things in the sight of God. When we touch unholy things God does not respond to our prayer, praise, worship, and offerings. That's scary huh? Wonder why we are not hearing from God, or getting prayers answered. Have you touched something unclean? Time for deliverance?

Eze 22:26-31 Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed [difference] between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst thereof [are] like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, [and] to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered [morter], seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken. The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.

First off, you are a priest unto God when you offer praise, prayer, worship, anything. So the above verse means you. US. Second, this is also a picture of false prophets in the last days. But what is unclean?

Jer 23:11 For both prophet and priest are profane; yea, in my house have I found their wickedness, saith the LORD.

But what is unclean? Hoses 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. No man is without excuse!

But what is unclean? Ok, Ok. Anything that does not bring GLORY to GOD. Want a brief list? Rebellion, anger, jealousy, disobedience to God's word, ignorance of not knowing God's word, things of the world, chasing the things of the world. Touching occult things, TV, movies from the sewer system being piped through your house directly into your soul,witchcraft, alcohol, drugs, horoscopes, palm reading, mediums, porn, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, unclean spirits, tolerating sin in your mist makes you a partaker of that sin. The list goes on and on.

How do we get clean? Deut 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them; ye shall destroy their altars, and break down their images, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven images with fire.

Evict the unclean things out of your life. Deut 7:16 And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them: neither shalt thou serve their gods; for that [will be] a snare unto thee.

If you are a Christian and you don't come out from among them and be ye separate, you are in a dangerous place. We are commanded to overcome God's enemies and fight the good fight. It is a spiritual battle and if we are disobedient there is a price to pay.

Jer48:10 Cursed [be] he that doeth the work of the LORD deceitfully, and cursed [be] he that keepeth back his sword from blood.

I want to encourage you to start asking is this clean or unclean, what is the root of origination of what I am about to partake in? Dig into things a bit. Stop accepting worldly things and thinking God accepts worldly things. He don't. And that unclean thing may get you in trouble.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ladies Retreat and Conference

Will be at the Comfort Inn Suites Saturday at 11 am Speaking at the Women of Power and Influence conference. Ladies come on out. There is no charge to attend however will take an offering. Topic will have something to do with delivernace and I'm sure you will be blest. Here is the link to the hotel. The conference does start Thursday evening at 7 and will have 3 sessions on Friday ending with me on Saturday. Come be with a hungry group of Ladies that want everything God has for them. Expect a miracle.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Arise My Joshua's pt 2

Many in the body of Christ are battle weary and defeated. What is it going to take to begin to walk in victory and have the promises of God operating in our lives? I know for me personally, many times I have asked God where is your power? Where is the victory? Why are those around us so sick and dying? When will we begin to see your power Lord? When I ask these questions the Holy Spirit always leads me to one thing. Back to the basics. Obedience yields holiness and holiness yields power and power yields the overcoming anointing to possess our promise land.

Look at this verse again with more detail. Joshua 1:8 Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.(NLT)

I am going to stay on this until we get it. It is a very important basic. One of the first steps to victory and entering into your promise land. How many times have you wondered why God hasn't answered your prayers? How many times have you said a little patty cake 5 minute prayer and then wondered why it don't work? How many times have you seen those around you sick and dying and wondered where is God's power, the power of the bible? I'll tell you where God's power is, It's in YOU! But you haven't learned through obedience of God's word to let HIS power flow out of you to change your situation or the life's of the people around you that need a miracle.

Now if you really want things to change in you life, lets start by keeping our mind on God and Godly things. That is doing this verse stated above. In that, you are obeying, learning and strengthen yourself with holiness that is being converted into Gods power in you. You are charging your power battery inside. Here are some suggestions for those who thing they don't have time to study the book of instruction or meditate on his word.

Turn off the TV when you get home from work. Get off your facebook and twitter. Get off the phone. Stop spending hours texting all your friends with the latest gossip or movie and book reviews. If you work, have lunch with GOD. I used to go to my car and eat the word or worship. You can find time to spend with God if you really want change. Take a little bit at a time. 1,2 or 3 chapters is not a lot. When you read it, ponder in what you have read through the day. Think on it, question who, what, where, when and how. Then ask How can I apply what I read to my life. Then do it, apply it to your life.

Verse 11 says this: "Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, 'Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are to cross this Jordan, to go in to possess the land which the LORD your God is giving you, to possess it.'"

We need to prepare ourselves to enter the promise land. It doesn't just come because you said a patty cake 5 minute prayer. Prepare by obeying verse 8 above. Stop waiting on someone else to do it for you. We all have to work out our own salvation every day. Your promise and prayer being answered may not come on the preacher's back that's praying for you. Your healing manifesting need not depend on if anyone prays or lays hands on you. Your deliverance doesn't depend on that minister breaking the yoke off you. Remember Christ is in you and flows through you with power as you abide in him through knowing his word, obedience and holiness.

I want to end today with one more verse for you to ponder on. 13 Remember the word which Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you saying The LORD your God hath given you rest and hath given you this land.

Look at what rest means: CEASE. abandon (2), allays (1), allow (1), appease (1), appeased (1), been at rest (1), calm (1), came to rest (1), camped (1), cast down (1), cast...down (1), deposit (3), deposited (1), down (1), enter into rest (1), find...rest (1), forsake (1), free (1), free space (2), give comfort (1), give rest (17), given rest (3), gives rest (1), had rest (1), idle* (1), laid (2), lay (8), lay down (1), laying (1), leave (8), left (7), let alone (4), let go* (1), permitted (2), place (2), placed (4), put (6), put it aside (1), put down (1), put aside (1), remain (3), resides (1), rest (14), rested (6), resting (1), rests (2), rid themselves (2), satisfy (1), set (4), set down (3), settle (2), settled (1), space* (1), spent (1), stationed (2), wait quietly (1), waited (1).

Rest in knowing God is in control today. Rest in knowing he has already given you the promise land. Now it's matter of evicting the enemy and occuping till he comes. God is going to teach us how to do that. Go on to read chapter 2-4 and I will make some comments on it next time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Not going to be able to do this everyday as I had wanted. I'm going to have to play it by ear for now with so much ministry going on.More later. Blessings.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Arise my Joshua's read Joshua ch 1

Sometimes we forget who we are in Christ. As I picked up my bible this morning, the Lord instructed me to begin to read the book of Joshua. As I was reading I heard in my Spirit, tell my people they are my Joshua's. Rise up my Joshua's and take your place. Enter into your promise land and evict the enemy's of God. This is going to be good I thought to myself.

Who are the enemy's in my promise land? Well ask yourself what is in the way of my victory? Make a list if you must. Here are some examples. Rejection, fear, lust, doubt, depression, lies, sickness, to name a few. These can be roots that lead to demonization and are no less than torrmenting.

I forgot this book of the bible that is more about the testing of Israel, through obedience and the sanctifying for the working of God among the people. WOW. We are still that people. This is why we have trials and tribulations. Take that in slowly. Trials and tribulations are about obedience and sanctifying yourself unto God. Enter into your promise land buy obedience. Evict the enemy's of God out of the promise land God gave you. We will get more into that later. For now I will keep it simple.

In Joshua 1:3 we see God commanding Joshua to GO. Go where? Into the promises of God. And God told him every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you. What a word that God speaks to us today in this verse. Has God changed that we should not apply this word to our own lives. No. But to GO and know that we have the victory before we ever take one step to tread on anything blows me away.

In verse 5 God says to his Joshua's There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. That's pretty self explanatory. God is speaking to YOU!

Well more icing on the cake. Umm let's eat. verse 7 is what seals up the victory. Only be strong and VERY courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all , which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it, to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithsoever thou goest. Stay focused on God.

So when we obey the things of the Lord, when we are a doer of the word and turn not from it, God will cause us to prosper whereever we go. So how do I do that? and where do I start? I want to encourage you to begin right where you are. No condemnation in past behaviors. Begin by reading the word everyday. How can you obey God if you don't know what he says. Read with me the book of Joshua. We will do one chapter everyday. Set a goal of not focusing on self or circumstances but focus on God and what he says to you, about you and how he is for you. Let's enter the promise land and kick some devils butt out! Time to arise Joshua's God says GO! Feel free to email any questions on chapter 1 to prechrgrl@aol.com

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ladies Retreat Feb 25, 26 & 27

I have been asked to speak at a ladies retreat at the end of the month in Dayton, Ohio. Please join me for some great fellowship, worship, and teaching. The retreat will be held at the Comfort Suites in Riverside which is located on Springfield St. The cost will be $55 per person which includes a formal dinner on Friday the 25th. If finances are an issue, and you want to come please call or email me (prechrgrl@aol.com). We don't want you to miss this.

Deliverance Questionaire

Deliverance Ministry Questionnaire (DMQ)

Deliverance Questionnaire.

Part: 1 Doctrine

Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ, and that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God?

A. Jesus is God, my Savior, and yes, I do believe he has come in the flesh, lived, died, and was resurrected, a perfect sacrifice for my sins.
B. I am not sure that Jesus is actually God, maybe a prophet, or something, but not God.
C. I am not sure who exactly Jesus is, but I believe in God.

Saying, The Son of man must be delivered into the hands
of sinful men, and be crucified, and the third day rise again.
Luke 24:27

2. In your walk with Christ, which best describes you?

A. I read my bible regularly, attend church frequently, and have an intimate relationship with God.
B. I do not read my bible regularly, nonetheless I do go to church, and I am not sure exactly where God is in my life.
C. I have asked Jesus in as Savior, but know very little about how to proceed from here.

He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is
that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will
love him, and will manifest myself to him. John 14:21

3. Jesus asked us to be baptized as the first step after becoming a believer, have you been baptized?

A. I have been baptized as and adult, I have completed this step in obedience to Christ.
B. I was baptized as an infant, which is called a dedication there was no remission of
known sin during my baptism.
C. I have never been baptized, but I realize I need to complete this step in my walk with God.
D. I see no need for baptism in my life.

“And were baptized of him
Jordan, confessing their sins.” Matthew 3:6
4. What does having faith in God mean to you?

A. I believe not only do I need to read the word of God, but also obey the commands Christ gave to us, my faith being evident by the fruits of my works.
B. I believe I need to read the word of God daily, and trust in what it says.
C. I believe that going to church pretty much describes my obligations to God for my faith.
D. The life I am living now.

5. Are you believing that you can be healed by God?

A. Yes, I believe God can and will heal me today.
B. Yes, I am pretty sure God can heal me.
C. Yes, but I am not sure when God will make up his mind to do so.
D. I am not sure if God will heal me.

6. Do you believe there is more than one way to get to heaven?

A. No, the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ.
B. Yes, there are a few ways.
C. Being a good person will get me to heaven.

7. Do you believe that the God of the Bible is the same as the God of the Koran?

A. No, they are not the same.
B. No, Allah is not exactly the same thing.
C. Yes,there is only one God over all religions.
D. Yes

8.What is it exactly the man of God can do for you?
A. He can exercise authority over the situation and cast out demons.
B. The prayer of righteous man availeth much.
C. Some ministers can free me while others cannot.
D. Not sure.

Part: 2 The Occult

9. Have you or your ancestors been involved in Freemasonry, or any occult lodges?
(Job's Daughter's,Eastern Star,Shriner's,Knights of Pythias,and any secret societies)
A. No, not that I am aware of to any extent.
B. Yes, It is possible, but I could not say for sure.
C. Yes, my ancestors or I have been involved in Freemasonry

“But what saith the answer
of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not
bowed the knee to the image of Baal.” Romans 11:4

10. Have you or any of your ancestors been involved with Wicca or Witchcraft?

A. No, I have never knowingly practiced witchcraft, nor can I remember any knowledge of my ancestors practicing it.
B. Yes, Some of my ancestors have practiced witchcraft and I myself have participated in seances and played with Ouijas boards.
C. Yes, we have and witchcraft has been in my family.

11. Have you or anyone in your family ever been involved in New Age, Spiritism, or Satanism to any degree?
A. No, there is no involvement to my knowledge in my family to any of these.
B. Yes, there might be some of these things,but I am not fully aware of this being an issue.
C. Yes, either my family or I have been involved in these things.

12. Have you ever played with a Ouijas board?

A No, I have not
B. No, but I have watched it being played by others.
C. Yes, I have.

13. Have you ever used Tarot Cards?

A No, I have not
B. No, but I have watched
C. Yes, I have.

14. Have you ever done palm reading?

A. No, I have not
B. No, but I have watched
C. Yes, I have.

15. Have you ever done tea leaf reading?
A No, I have not.
B. No, but I have watched.
C. Yes, I have.

16. Have you ever participated in a Seance's?
A. No, I have not
B. No, but I have watched
C. Yes, I have.

17. Have you ever consulted a Psychic?
A No, I have not
B. No, but I have watched
C. Yes, I have.

18. Have you been involved in any other religions?

A No, I have not
B. No, but I have participated in a ceremony once.
C. Yes, I have.

19. Have you ever made any pact with the devil?
A No, I have not
B. No, but I may have said something I shouldn’t have.
C. Yes, I have.
“And he caused his children to pass through the fire in the
valley of the son of Hinnom: also he observed times, and used enchantments, and
used witchcraft, and dealt with a familiar spirit, and with wizards: he wrought
much evil in the sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger.” 2nd Chronicles

Part: 3. Dis-Associative Identity Dis-Order

20. Have you ever been diagnosed with DID-Dis-associative Identity Disorder, or MPD-Multiple Personality Disorder?
A. No, I never have, and I do not believe I have multiple personality.
B. No, I never have, but I do have parts of my life I cannot recall,and also
I lose time frequently.
C. Yes, I have been diagnosed with DID, or MPD and believe it is present within my life?

21. Do you have any areas in your life where you have lost track of time?
A No, I do not
B. No, but occasionally I miss brief moments
C. Yes, I have

22. Do your emotions frequently seem to be up and down?
A No, they are steady
B. Occasionally, I have an outburst
C. Yes, my emotions are all over the place.

23. Have you ever been the victim of extreme trauma?
A. No, I have never suffered any extreme trauma.
B. Yes, I have been the victim of an accident or injury trauma
C. Yes, I was badly beaten or abused as a child or young adult.
D. Yes

24. Were you ever the victim of child abuse?
A. No, I was never abused as a child
B. No, I was disciplined but never abused.
C. Yes, I was abused.
D. Yes

Part: 4 Addictions

25. Do you currently take any longstanding medications?
A. No, I do not take any regular medications.
B. No, but I occasionally take over the counter stuff.
C. Yes, I take over the counter meds as well as prescription meds.

26. Do you take any illegal substances?
A. No, I never take any drugs that are illegal.
B. No, but I have in times past.
C. Yes, occasionally I do take illegal drugs

27. Do you currently Smoke, Drink Alcohol, or have any addictions?
A. No, I do not smoke or drink, nor do I have any addictions.
B. No, I do not smoke or drink, but I do have an addiction.
C. Yes, I smoke or drink and I have addictions to other things
D. Yes, I smoke or drink, but I have no other addictions to other things.

28. Do you struggle with Pornography?
A. No, never had this problem
B. Occasionally have done this.
C. Yes, frequently I struggle with pornography.

29. Do you have any problems with masturbation?
A. No
B. Occasionally
C. Yes

Part: 5 Forgiveness

30. Did your Mother ever say she loved you?
A. Yes, she did say she loved me.
B. Yes, but it was not very often.
C. No, she never really said she loved me openly.
D. Never knew her as a child

31. Do you forgive your mother for anything she has ever done to you?
A. Yes, I forgive her of everything she has ever done to me.’
B. Yes, but I cannot forget what she has done to me.
C. No, I cannot forgive her of what she did to me.

32. Did your father ever say he loved you?
A. Yes, he did say he loved me.
B. Yes, but it was not very often.
C. No, he never really said he loved me openly.
D. Never knew him as a child

33. Do you forgive your father for anything he has ever done to you?
A. Yes, I forgive him of everything he has ever done to me.’
B. Yes, but I cannot forget what he has done to me.
C. No, I cannot forgive him of what he did to me.

34. Do you have any brothers and sisters and how is your relationship with
A. I love them and have forgiven them all for anything that has happened.
B. I have forgiven them but I have not forgotten all that was done.
C. I have not forgiven them.

35. Is there anyone else in your life you cannot forgive?
A. No, I forgive everyone.
B. Yes, there is someone I cannot forgive.
C. I cannot forgive myself

Part 6. Family, and Relationships.

36. Are you married to a believer?
A. Yes, my spouse is a believer.
B. Yes, my spouse claims to believe in God, but does not go to church.
C. No, my spouse is not a believer.
D. I am not sure if my spouse is a believer.

37. Are you in a relationship outside of marriage?
A. No, I am not currently in a relationship.
B. Yes, but I am engaged to be married.
C. Yes, but we are not sexually active.
D. Yes, I am in a relationship outside of marriage and we are active sexually.
38. Have you ever been physically violated by anyone sexually?
A. No, I have not.
B. Yes, when I was a child.
C. Yes, I have.

39. Do you let your partner control you either physically or emotionally?
A. No, I do not
B. No, but it has happened in the past.
C. Yes, it does happen but not often.
D. Yes

40. Do you believe you can get free if your spouse is not free?
A. No,I know my spouse has to be free as for me to experience complete freedom?
B. No, I know I can become free, but there may be some issues that remain that are less significant.
C. No.
D. Yes

41. Is your freedom worth giving up being around family members if they seek only to oppress you?
A. Yes, I would leave or not return to those who abuse me.
B. No, I cannot leave the situation I am living in now.
42. Are you in a relationship with someone, and not married to them?
A. Yes
B. No.
43. Is there anything in your life, or relationship, in which you feel God is displeased?
A. Yes.
B. No.
Part 7: Health, and Wellness:
44. What would you say below is the best way to describe your emotions daily?
(Highlight or circle the applicable issues.)
A. Fear,Shame,Anxiety.
B. Depression,Rejection,Suicide
C. Anger,Hatred,Rage,Murder.
D. Resentment,Bitterness,Unforgiveness,
E. Bitterness,Rejection,Rebellion,Mental Illness
F. Confusion,Forgetfulness,Dementia,Mind Control-Block
G. Pain,Sickness,Infirmity,
H. Blindness,Loss of Hearing, Loss of Speech,Insanity
I. Poverty,Greed, Guilt.
J. Envy,Covetousness,Jealousy
K. Pride,Arrogance,Criticism,Perfectionism
45. In which part of your body do you experience the most difficulty?
A. Head,Neck and Shoulders
B. Heart,Blood Pressure,and Stroke
C. Hands,Feet and Mouth
D. Back,Lower Back and Spine
E. Skin,Liver,and Kidneys
F. Reproductive Areas
G. Lungs,Breast,and Breathing
H. Bowels,Intestines,and Stomach
I. Eyes,Ears,and the Brain
46. Are any of the following things common with you?
A. Vertigo
B. Headaches
C. Body Pain
D. Asthma
E. Skin Irritations
F. Flu's and Sickness
G. Bloating and Diarrhea
H. Dizzyness
I. Heavyness
47. Do you believe if God heals people today from physical infirmities?
Part 8: A relationship with God.
48. What kind of relationship do you feel best describes you and God?
A. I love him and God loves me.
B. I love him and yet, I am not sure if God loves me.
C. God loves me,but I have been backslidden.
D. I feel as if I have made God upset with me through disobedience.
E. I do everything I can just to please him,but I am not sure if he is pleased.

49. Would you say that you are reading the word of God, and your prayer in your life was adequate?
A. Yes,I pray and read the word often.
B. Yes,I pray but I don't read God's word as much as I believe God wants.
C. Yes, I read the word,but I am unsure as to how to pray to God.
D. No, I am falling behind in those areas.
50. How would you describe fellowship with others in your life?
A. I go to church and fellowship regularly.
B. I fellowship with other believers on occasion.
C. I do not fellowship with other believers that often.
D. No I don't join into fellowship with other believers.
51. My impression of God is closest to which of the following?
A. I sin on occasion,and I am forgiven as long as I repent for it.
B. I do sin on occasion but immedietly feel the need to repent.
C. I am a good person so I believe my sins are not all that pressing.
D. I know God says not to sin, but I struggle with the same sin regularly.
E. I have no sin.
52. What is your knowledge of curses, and blessings when it comes to God?
A. I can sin and God will not bless it,but there is no curse for the sin I have commited.
B. God will bless me if my life and His word are in harmony,but other than that sin can bring a curse.
C. I have no curse, I have been freed from that,so there is nothing that I struggle with that
was possibly because of an ancestoror a curse on me.
D. God can curse and he can bless and with the good comes blessings and with sin comes a curse.
E. I repent so I have nothing on my slate to be forgiven for at the moment.
53. What best describes God's position over your life as you would see it?
A. A loving Father
B. A distant taskmaster.
C. A merciful God.
D. A God of justice,and judgement.
E. A God of love and justice.
F. A best friend.
G. God is unfair
54. If God created you for a purpose, what would best describe it?
A. I am a perfectionist,but have found myself struggling to do my best in business
and in life.
B. God created me to be a disciple, and to live for him therefore his will not my will be done.
C. I am not sure why God placed me here.
D. I want to live my life in peace, and do those things with which I feel God is pleased.
E. Not sure.
Part 9: Demons and Deliverance
55. Have you ever had any prior deliverance?
B. No
56. Have demons ever manifested using your mouth?
57. Have you ever identified your demons?
A. Yes
B. No
58. Do you struggle with prayer,and or praise and worship?
B. No.
59. Do you struggle with reading God's word?
B. No
60. Did you have anything in particular that you feel brought the demonic into your life?
A. Yes
B. No.
61. How do you feel about deliverance?
A. I am ready to do whatever I have to ,just to get free.
B. Whatever God gives me I will be happy to receive.
C. I'm just going through this because another person wants it for me.
D. I don't think I can get free.
62. Do you see spiritually dark things in your home or office?
A. Yes
B. No
63. Have you performed a spiritual house cleaning?
B. No
64. If you had a wonderful Egyptian vase or keepsake that opened the door for
the demonic would you be inclined to break and remove it if asked?
A. Yes
B. No

65. Do you have nightmares frequently?
B. No.
66. Are you ever assualted physically while awake, or while you sleep by an unseen force?
B. No.
67. Have you or anyone in your family been dedicated to Satan, or any false God through a ceremony or by any religious group, or society?
A. Yes
B. No.
68. Have you or anyone in your household that you know of signed any agreement or pact
that comes to mind that could be displeasing to God?
B. No.
69. Have you ever sworn an oath to anyone, or anything other than God?
A. Yes
B. No.
70. Have you or anyone in your family been in a coma?
A. Yes
B. No.
71. Who are you in Christ Jesus?
A. I am not sure.
B. I am a child of God.
C. I know who I am in Christ,and I am persuaded that God is able to keep me.
72. Have you any experience putting on the whole armor of God according to Ephesians 6?
A. Yes.
B. No.
73. Are same sex relationships an issue for you?
A. Yes
B. No
74. Are your children experiencing any of the same things you are?
A. Yes
B. No

Deliverance Waiver and Release

Tammy Wennerstrom Deliverance Minister
5977 Flaig Dr Fairfield, Oh 45014
Tammy Wennerstrom ,and/or itsdesignated representatives, from any loss, liability, damage or cost that may incur due to thepresence of the undersigned in any location of attempted ministry,church,home, building or office , or in any wayduring ministry,counseling, or observing or working for or for any purpose participating in the activity of deliverance ministry. EACH OF THE UNDERSIGNED expressly acknowledges and agrees that the activities associated with crisis counseling and deliverance ministry are inherently dangerous at times, and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage. Each of the undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing release and waiver agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the laws of the state in question.................................. if non specified then considering Arizona, and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, not withstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ AND VOLUNTARY SIGNS THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OFLIABILITY AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, and further agrees that no oral representation, statements or inducement apart from the foregoing written agreement have been made. This waiver release and indemnification agreement specifically embraces each and every activity sanctioned or promoted by said release during the entire duration of the activities and applies to each and every event, or activity herein mentioned and has the same effect as executed after each and every activity or event in which the undersigned participates so that the parties herein intended to be released and indemnified shall be fully and effectively released and indemnified as to each and every activity herein described. SIGNED:________________________________________ DATE:___________WITNESS:_______________________________________ DATE:___________ADDRESS:__________________________________ STATE:___ ZIP:________PHONE: _____________________________PART B – PARTICIPANT WAIVER –RELEASE OF ALL VIDEO,AUDIO OR DOCUMENTS REGARDING MINISTRY In regards to all documents, video or audio recordings of each session made with the undersigned! I HEREBY RELEASE : Tammy Wennerstrom Ministries of Fairfield Oh, and/or its designated representatives, from any liability and all damages in the event of or release of any said film, audio or document pertaining to my deliverance session, Tammy Wennerstrom Ministries. of Fairfield Oh, will upon my signing be the power of attorney over any film, audio or documentary I have allowed to be present at the time of my ministry session, they will be responsible to disclose this to me verbally and in written form if I so desire, this disclosure. I am of sound mind and make this decision without any outside influence. By signing below I agree to this release of any video, or audio footage or documentation of my ministry experience .SIGNED:________________________________________ DATE:___________WITNESS:_______________________________________ DATE:___________ADDRESS:__________________________________ STATE:___ ZIP:________ PART C – PARENTAL WAIVER – RELEASE FROM LIABILITY(If the applicant is under 18 years of age, the parent(s) or guardian(s) must execute in addition to the above, the following waiver.)The undersigned ___________________ referred to is the parent and natural guardian or legal guardian of ___________________ does hereby represent that he/she is in fact acting in such capacity and agree to save and hold harmless and indemnify the Tammy Wennerstrom Ministries of ,and/or its designated representatives from all liabilities, loss, cost, claim, or damage whatsoever, may be imposed upon said release because of any defect in or lack of such capacity to so act and release on behalf of both the undersigned. NAME:________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO MINOR:_________NAME:________________________________ RELATIONSHIP TO MINOR:_________
This document is confidential and is the sole property of Tammy Wennerstrom Ministries of 5977 Flaig Dr Fairfield Oh. 45014 513-226-0756 copyright @all rights reserved 2009

Ordained Minister/Pastor.....................................................................