Yesterday I was pondering during my day again about the people the Lord has brought across my path. Considering who I am in Christ and that the Lord is using me as a deliverance minister, I was wondering what is it that holds people in bondage. How come very few people get it enough to break free from the issues of life and truly allow the things of God to have free course in their lives.
Thinking I woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a bad attitude yesterday and this morning for the second day in a row, the Lord started showing me again that he was sending me to the house of Israel (the church). To speak his word, no matter what it is, and that the house of Israel is a rebellious house. Very Stubborn and stiff necked.Eze ch3. So I will speak.
What is it that keeps people in bondage to sin, unfruitfulness of 30,60 or 100 fold, lust, idolatry, laziness, addictions, drugs, porn, fear, worry, hopelessness, angry, bitterness, unbelief, and the list goes on...Generational curses. Demons that inflect curses. They bring judgement and bondage during an individuals life reducing the quality of life because people refuse to deal with sin issues. The body needs to deal with sin and repent. Stop. It can not have dominion over you.
Well I got my answer in prayer this morning. God showed me also in his word starting in the book of Ezekiel, that his book is not a book of the prophet from old but that it pertains to today and also future running a long side with the book of Revelation. It is time for the luke warm church to wake up and here the trumpet sounding in the land. The true prophets are not crying peace and safety but prepare, seek God, come out from among them and be ye Holy REPENT.
People in Israel ( the church) are still in bondage because of rebellion which is as the sin of witchcraft. Not only that, but because they refuse to repent and turn away from sin, they are under a curse in their life. They are stubborn and stiff necked wanting a happy, feel good word of prophecy but without dealing with sin. We are not walking upright and Holy lives using the word of God as our measuring stick and it stinks before God.
Where is all this happy go lucky stuff coming from? I was crying out to God because my spirit is grieved. It is a deception. A side track. To through you off. A tacktic of the enemy to not deal with the real issue of sin that keeps you in bondage and in the outer court. God wants you in the inner court. He rent the vail and you are standing out not coming in. WHY? WHY? WHY?
I see some things coming down the pike and the body of Christ for the most part is going to be blind sided. They are not prepared. All you hear in mainstream Christianity is a happy feel good words that hardly ever address sin, doctrines of demons, false revivals and false teachers and preachers. What is going on? We are to expose the deeds of darkness not sweep it under the rug, afraid of embarrassing people. I will not have anyone's blood on my hands. I will shout it from the roof tops and testify anywhere the Lord leads, even on my facebook page!
The bible says that history repeats itself. Esc 3:15 That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away. So when I read my bible I see things happening again to us, to our country and concerning the future just on a greater scale to a bigger corporate church. There is nothing new under the sun.
I hate to inform you of this but you are not gonna fly away in some dream escape to meet Jesus in the air any minute. Christ has not manifested in you. He is coming back for a bride without spot and wrinkle Eph 5:27. Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory Col 1:27. How do I know, because I read it in the word, I see in in everyday lives. Are we doing the works of Jesus on a greater scale? He said we would do greater works. HA! I just want to scream. WAKE UP and GROW UP!
Really, I don't know where the church false prophets ever got off track with looking at how the office of prophet was worked in the bible. All the major prophets always came to pluck up, pull down, and rebuild, exposing sin before God brought his judgement. Now if God is the same yesterday today and forever, when did this change? If Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, where did it change? Someone tell me. Oh, and don't use the grace card either because every man is without excuse and you cannot use grace as an excuse to keep on sinning. READ IT!
So back to the answer REBELLION! Every person needs to examine his/her life before God and measure it against the bible and REPENT. The curse/bondage will not be broken and the affliction lifted until true repentance and turning comes. The body of Christ for the most part is sick, lacking, lazy, not wanting to pay the price for the anointing of God which destroys the yoke!
If you are listening to the propaganda lies on news channels and the government telling you we are going to recover and that everything is going to be okay YOU are in trouble! My bible says that gross darkness is covering the earth and that all signs are leading up to a one world government with an anti-christ leader! The earth is shaking and you think it's global warming! God is closing the window, time is wrapping up and you better straighten up or you are going to not know what to do when hard times hit your life worse than they are now!
He has called us to be a light in darkness Isa 60:2. A city on a hill. Walking in power and love. Where is the power and love??? If your revival is so good, show me the power that is going to raise the dead, change a life forever, multiply the fishes and loaves. I really don't care about your gold filling. I won't believe every lying sign and wonder the floats down the isle. It's a lie straight from the pit of hell! REPENT and get back to the basics because you are going to have to have faith that will move a mountain, put food on the table, bust water out of the rock, move when God says move without doubt or you may just DIE! It it don't look like the book of acts you are in danger of being deceived!
I am so grieved for the body, please pray she wakes up and hears the heart of GOD!
Many are in the valley of decision even today!
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