Friday, April 16, 2010

Keys for the Battle, STAND!

Why do we keep going around the same old mountain again and again? I and other deliverance ministers I know are experiencing a season of people that are continuing to do another lap. We walk away from deliverance sessions experiencing the great power of God in meeting the persons need, breaking off the bondages and setting people free only to be met later with the same battle again. What is going on? Didn’t my deliverance work? It’s back again! HELP!

I am also finding that people are so desperate they are going from place to place searching for the right deliverance minister or word from God like maybe I missed it or the last deliverance minister missed it because it works for a minute then people are right back in the same position again. Stop the madness. Time to grow up! Galatians 5:1 says Stand fast, therefore, in the liberty with which Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

The first thing that needs to be addressed is responsibility. God is an awesome, powerful God who can not lie. He wants us to walk in the freedom that Christ died for and he withholds no good thing from his children who ask, believing in faith, that they have received. We have to make sure that the hedge is not breached. That the doors and cracks of doubt and unbelief remained sealed and closed or demons will come back to try and regain entrance.

Demons when they are cast out of a person will try to regain entry and if unsuccessful will go and get seven others more wicked than themselves to try and get back in. Many Christians think once they have had deliverance that the battle is over. Sorry, it is only just the beginning! The battle won will not be easy. When Christians find it is just starting, they get very discouraged, and even worse, are afflicted with guilt. Because of the battle they are experiencing, they feel they are doing something wrong or that the demons once outside will try to afflict them with the same physical symptoms or emotions as they did while they were inside them. Every time they will always lie and tell the person they are back in them when they are really not and are on the outside attacking. If the person accepts these thoughts from the demons then they open themselves up again and they WILL be back hence going around the mountain again!

When you are attack in dreams or awake and begin to ponder and question the lies, you accepted them back by believing the lie. You must stand and continue to rebuke them the instant you hear the negative voices. You must not believe the lie or the door will be open and the demons will come back. You must not agree with the lie that your deliverance didn't work, because of how you feel, because you feel pain or the heaviness again. That is when you must stand and put on the whole armor of God. Stand fast in the liberty in which Christ has made you free. Don't turn around and agree with the demons by saying I guess it didn't work and become entangled in the yoke of bondage again. It isn't that you didn’t get deliverance; it is that you don't keep the deliverance.

Stop focusing at all cost on the darkness. You don't eliminate the darkness by opening a window and door and pushing it out of the room. You eliminate the darkness by turning on the light! These are basic issues of standing in faith. Get into worship and God's presence stay there. Your life and deliverance depends on it. God does not want you to be in this bondage and torment. There where times in my life when I spent hours upon hours in worship and praising God. I mean hours! 3,5,8,10 all night sometimes! It broke off me every hindrance.

That is where your deliverance is. The bible says there is deliverance in praise, if you need to, shut down your whole life and get alone with God and worship him until you get delivered, do it. I can not do that part for you nor can anyone else! We can use our authority (the same authority you have) to set you free but it is up to you after that! I remember when I was so desperate for God to intervene in my life that I would shut down everything going on around me and I would not come out until I had my breakthrough or peace. What would you do if you didn't have access to any deliverance ministers?

Many receive deliverance many times then shortly after, begin for whatever reason to entertain that it didn't work because...The bible says if you believe a lie you are cursed! Focus on the light of the word as you have in the past and shut out all other voices! Excuse my language but get pissed at the devil. Turn into a raging fool for Jesus and pick up your sword and fight! I can only tell you what has worked for me. That is mainly praise & worship, focusing on how big my God is instead of how big the torment is, decreeing the word, rebuking the devils, binding and loosing, kicking them out. Doing everything in the bible that Jesus said I could do. Over and over and over and over again until the demons stopped harassing me and my family. It was me or him and my God told me that greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world! You must take the victory by force. DO IT! TAKE IT, IT IS YOURS, GOD IS NOT WITH HOLDING FROM YOU!

If you want your life to change, then change it through allowing Christ to manifest in you and through you. He came to destroy the works of the devil if he is in you then CHANGE IT! WHAT WOULD JESUS DO? JESUS put you in charge, gave you authority and power through the HOLY GHOST! Yes there are times when he will use deliverance minister to break away the chains, then my friend, it’s up to you to stand being a doer of the word, casting down vain imaginations of it didn’t work.

Get out your promise book and march around the house decreeing and declaring God’s word over you and your family! That is the first key! Praise and worship, focusing on God’s greatness is another. Time to war.
Peace out.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Spirtual Authority

I found this wonderful article to repost here. It had no author to it and I take no credit for writing this, but acknowledge what is written herein:

I believe the most powerful offense we have against the devil's agenda is for Christians to manifest God's love, power and spiritual authority everywhere we go. We know that the best defense is an offense, but is Christianity today, known for it's love, power and authority? We need a strategy to overcome the fear factor in our own minds.

The devil's strongest weapon is to plant a fear factor in our imaginations. His strategy is to get us to believe a lie, a fear factor that he projects onto the screen of our minds. He only has power over us if we give it to him, entertaining this fear factor. If Jesus has all power and spiritual authority in Heaven and earth and He is inside of us, why do we hesitate to rise up and let Him demonstrate His love, power and spiritual authority through us, defeating the works of the devil?

Are you operating in your inherited power and authority as a believer? The devil offered Jesus more authority, but Jesus knew it was a lie. He responded, "It is written ... ." As we renounce our ungodly beliefs about authority, we can defeat the enemy, "It is written ... .".

If you had a performance evaluation today, how well would you do? Are you submitted to Biblical principles and spiritual authority? How many of these statements will you choose to believe for yourself? If you commit to pray these declarations, as a prayer strategy to over come your fear factor and to rise up in your God given power and spiritual authority, let us know.

Lining up with God's truth about me as a believer, I declare and decree:

I discern and judge myself first, so that I have no fear of condemnation. 1 Cor. 11:31-32
I receive the spiritual authority that Jesus has given to all of us as believers. Luke 4:6
I choose to be a good steward of the spiritual authority I have been given. James 3:1
I allow God's love to be perfected in me, casting out all my fear factors. 1 John 4:18
I renounce all fear of the devil, fear of evil and fear of his power to hurt me. Luke 10:19
One thing I desire - to dwell in the secret place of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
I allow God to purify my heart of selfish, fleshly, power-hungry cravings. Matt. 5:8
My motivation is to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire of Him. Ps. 27:4
I rest in God's willingness to deliver me because He delights in me. Psalm 18:19
I take back dominion over the earth, the animal kingdom and the weather. Gen. 1:26
In Christ, I have spiritual authority to forgive and to command healing. Luke 5:20-24
I practice what I teach, submitting to the stricter judgment of God. James 3:1
My motivation is to know Jesus and to grow in His character and fruit. Phil. 3:10-15
My soul thirsts to be in right relationship with Jesus (and authorities.) Ps. 63:1
I have spiritual gifts so that I can lift Jesus up and express His heart. 2 Tim. 1:6
I am faithful to stir up the spiritual gifts that God has been given to me. 1 Tim. 4:14
I renounce false humility; I proudly serve a Kingdom that cannot be shaken. Heb. 12:28
True peacemakers confront evil vs. avoid it or settle for compromise. Matt. 5:9
The Word says the violent take the Kingdom by force and take action. Matt. 11:12
I contend earnestly for the faith - faithful to do all the Father says to do. Jude 3
I don't whine; I endure hardship as a good soldier in the Lord's army. 2 Tim. 2:3-4
I don't back down from false teaching; I overcome with the God's Truth. Rom. 12:21
I operate in my gifts in the fullness of the measure that was given to me. Eph. 4:7
I am faithful to the gift of grace for the effective working of His mighty power. Eph. 3:7
I preach the gospel in authority, without boasting, not touching His glory. 1 Cor. 9:16
"Fat sheep" are self-centered; I expend myself to feed His sheep. Eze. 34:18-22
When God speaks through me, I multiply the abilities that He gives to me. 1 Pet. 4:11
I honor all Christians equally, encouraging them in their spiritual gifts. 1 Cor. 12:23-24
By laying hands on other disciples in prayer, I help to spread the gospel. Acts 6:6-7
I renounce timidity or intimidation; I have love, power and a sound mind. 2 Tim. 1:7
I have power to be a witness because the Holy Ghost is inside me. Acts 1:8
The Lord is the strength of my life and I am not afraid. Psalm 27:1
God will resist the proud and give grace to me, when I am humble. James 4:6
I say what the Father says to say with great boldness of speech. 2 Cor. 3:11-12
The Lord is inside me, I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? Heb. 13-5-6
I don't try to control people or compete for position, prestige or power. Luke 22:24
Jesus has given me power over demonic spirits; they are subject to me. Luke 10:19-20
When I give God my shame, He will give me a double portion. Isaiah 61:1-7
I am holy, blameless and righteous, in Christ. Eph. 1:4, Romans 5:21
We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony and because we do not love our lives unto to the death. Rev.12:20

Father I confess that I have been intimidated by the enemy and have hesitated to step out in obedience to enforce your authority in the earth. I choose to join with believers around the world in this prayer strategy. I covenant with you to declare these Scriptural truths.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Yesterday I was pondering during my day again about the people the Lord has brought across my path. Considering who I am in Christ and that the Lord is using me as a deliverance minister, I was wondering what is it that holds people in bondage. How come very few people get it enough to break free from the issues of life and truly allow the things of God to have free course in their lives.

Thinking I woke up on the wrong side of the bed with a bad attitude yesterday and this morning for the second day in a row, the Lord started showing me again that he was sending me to the house of Israel (the church). To speak his word, no matter what it is, and that the house of Israel is a rebellious house. Very Stubborn and stiff necked.Eze ch3. So I will speak.

What is it that keeps people in bondage to sin, unfruitfulness of 30,60 or 100 fold, lust, idolatry, laziness, addictions, drugs, porn, fear, worry, hopelessness, angry, bitterness, unbelief, and the list goes on...Generational curses. Demons that inflect curses. They bring judgement and bondage during an individuals life reducing the quality of life because people refuse to deal with sin issues. The body needs to deal with sin and repent. Stop. It can not have dominion over you.

Well I got my answer in prayer this morning. God showed me also in his word starting in the book of Ezekiel, that his book is not a book of the prophet from old but that it pertains to today and also future running a long side with the book of Revelation. It is time for the luke warm church to wake up and here the trumpet sounding in the land. The true prophets are not crying peace and safety but prepare, seek God, come out from among them and be ye Holy REPENT.

People in Israel ( the church) are still in bondage because of rebellion which is as the sin of witchcraft. Not only that, but because they refuse to repent and turn away from sin, they are under a curse in their life. They are stubborn and stiff necked wanting a happy, feel good word of prophecy but without dealing with sin. We are not walking upright and Holy lives using the word of God as our measuring stick and it stinks before God.

Where is all this happy go lucky stuff coming from? I was crying out to God because my spirit is grieved. It is a deception. A side track. To through you off. A tacktic of the enemy to not deal with the real issue of sin that keeps you in bondage and in the outer court. God wants you in the inner court. He rent the vail and you are standing out not coming in. WHY? WHY? WHY?

I see some things coming down the pike and the body of Christ for the most part is going to be blind sided. They are not prepared. All you hear in mainstream Christianity is a happy feel good words that hardly ever address sin, doctrines of demons, false revivals and false teachers and preachers. What is going on? We are to expose the deeds of darkness not sweep it under the rug, afraid of embarrassing people. I will not have anyone's blood on my hands. I will shout it from the roof tops and testify anywhere the Lord leads, even on my facebook page!

The bible says that history repeats itself. Esc 3:15 That which is hath been long ago; and that which is to be hath long ago been: and God seeketh again that which is passed away. So when I read my bible I see things happening again to us, to our country and concerning the future just on a greater scale to a bigger corporate church. There is nothing new under the sun.

I hate to inform you of this but you are not gonna fly away in some dream escape to meet Jesus in the air any minute. Christ has not manifested in you. He is coming back for a bride without spot and wrinkle Eph 5:27. Christ IN YOU, the hope of glory Col 1:27. How do I know, because I read it in the word, I see in in everyday lives. Are we doing the works of Jesus on a greater scale? He said we would do greater works. HA! I just want to scream. WAKE UP and GROW UP!

Really, I don't know where the church false prophets ever got off track with looking at how the office of prophet was worked in the bible. All the major prophets always came to pluck up, pull down, and rebuild, exposing sin before God brought his judgement. Now if God is the same yesterday today and forever, when did this change? If Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it, where did it change? Someone tell me. Oh, and don't use the grace card either because every man is without excuse and you cannot use grace as an excuse to keep on sinning. READ IT!

So back to the answer REBELLION! Every person needs to examine his/her life before God and measure it against the bible and REPENT. The curse/bondage will not be broken and the affliction lifted until true repentance and turning comes. The body of Christ for the most part is sick, lacking, lazy, not wanting to pay the price for the anointing of God which destroys the yoke!

If you are listening to the propaganda lies on news channels and the government telling you we are going to recover and that everything is going to be okay YOU are in trouble! My bible says that gross darkness is covering the earth and that all signs are leading up to a one world government with an anti-christ leader! The earth is shaking and you think it's global warming! God is closing the window, time is wrapping up and you better straighten up or you are going to not know what to do when hard times hit your life worse than they are now!

He has called us to be a light in darkness Isa 60:2. A city on a hill. Walking in power and love. Where is the power and love??? If your revival is so good, show me the power that is going to raise the dead, change a life forever, multiply the fishes and loaves. I really don't care about your gold filling. I won't believe every lying sign and wonder the floats down the isle. It's a lie straight from the pit of hell! REPENT and get back to the basics because you are going to have to have faith that will move a mountain, put food on the table, bust water out of the rock, move when God says move without doubt or you may just DIE! It it don't look like the book of acts you are in danger of being deceived!

I am so grieved for the body, please pray she wakes up and hears the heart of GOD!
Many are in the valley of decision even today!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

More than one way to take out the trash

This morning as I was sitting with the Lord pondering on life’s issues I asked some Questions to My Lord. I said Lord, what is it going to take for your people to wake up and come out from among them? Come out of Egypt. Come out of bondage from the worry of life’s issues.

Every day I am called upon by my brothers and sisters in the Lord with overwhelming circumstances that they need delivered from. Always it is demonic and blown out of proportion because they don’t look at the circumstance from the view point of God but the devil, who is a master of magnification because he wants to be like God.

Oh, if we could just behold the one and only true Master, if we could step away and see Him who holds all things together by the power of his word. In all his majesty, and holiness. The one who truly sits on the throne. The King of kings and Lord of lords. The Lord of Host who goes before us in battle.

As I was pondering my question I heard the Spirit speak and he said When my people quit worshipping their problems and begin to worship the one over the problems they will walk out of Egypt, for there is no pharaoh that is keeping them there, I have already sent them a deliverer.

He said they are bound by unlocked chains, not realizing the chains have already been loosed from off their feet. Their eyes are stuck on another god, a false god, a little god named My Magnified Problems and they, buy their own choosing are beholding the god of their choice.

And I replied but Father, they are crying out for help, they are crying out for freedom, they are crying out for deliverance, why can’t they see they have been loosed? And he replied because they are looking upon themselves, another god called Little me, myself and i. They are not looking to the hills from where their help comes from, they are looking at the little I instead of the Great I am.

As the Lord spoke that word to me, I was taken back to one of my own situations years ago and I remembered that as bad as things where (and they were very bad), my only relief was when I would enter into the presence of the Lord through worship.

I remembered how when I first got saved I felt the supernatural presence of God and I wanted that more than anything. Looking back I see how that was the supernatural drawing of the Holy Spirit Through my problems and life issues I was being drawn to my knees to see HIM and not my issues. Jesus became my hide away. My shelter from the storm.

The only time I had peace was when I would go to my room, put on my worship music and begin to worship God and come into the shelter of the most High where He would hide me from my enemies. He would pour over me with his loving kindness and allow me to see him who sits on the throne.

Then I became addicted to my Father and all that he allowed me to experience. He began to teach me of his greatness and how he wanted me to manifest to His enemies that I am more than a conqueror. He began to empower me to stand in the face of the adversary and proclaim my righteousness through Christ Jesus and see the enemies be scattered.

I want to encourage you today to do the same thing. Your power and strength comes through seeing Jesus high and lifted up in worship. Use the weapon of worship God has given you. If you need delivered from anything, any problem, any demon, anything, God is able, as you worship him by taking your eyes off all the issues of life, all those little gods.

It reminds me of scripture in Romans 8:35 who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 37 But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The garbage that would attract flies. The Beelzebubs will keep coming if you don’t take out the trash. Worship is the best way to take out the trash!

Blessing in Christ